Trust Your Path and Inner Compass

For me and others I know, energies of 2024 so far are feeling intense, life moving at an accelerated pace. At times it can feel difficult to catch your breath.
With harsh and painful events continuing around the globe, it is more than challenging to stay informed whilst focusing on centering and grounding yourself, not allowing your energy to be depleted to a point where you have nothing to give to anyone, including yourself.
In these times it is essential to look after our needs, maybe more than we ever did before, which will support us to keep shining our light for others to see in the darkness.
We are in times of systems dismantling, systems that we and others before us have grown up with, they are our familiar, our safety blanket (or so we thought).
In times when life drastically changes and becomes almost unrecognisable, this can send ripples of shock amongst communities who are unprepared for these changes, with many left questioning a whole lifetime of beliefs, something I think all of us have or will experience and work through at some point in our lifetime.
It is my personal view, now more than ever, that we are walking alongside one another on deeper and different levels of awareness, understanding and different timelines, a natural progression of ascension, as we move through life finding our way. We may choose to face and work through tough lessons that present themselves with or without support, or we may choose not to and carry on as we were. There is no right or wrong. All is as it is meant. It feels some are choosing to live in the old systems, others moving on from this, but unsure what is next (limbo is a daunting place to find yourself in any situation!) and those surrendering to letting go of the past, open to what is to come and embracing opportunities to create something different for the greater good, despite everything happening around them. There are many people around the globe, some with a big presence on social media, others quietly doing their thing in the background, all doing their best to navigate these turbulent times whilst carrying an inner knowing, fire and passion to help create a new, kinder, happier and healthier world for us and future generations. The last two years I have become more open and fluid to where my 'work' may guide me, prepared to expand or change direction, learning not to question. I felt a shift around my healing work in 2023 and this has become stronger in 2024, inspiring me to write this blog about trusting your senses. I am not a big fan of courses as many will know. For me as a practitioner and as a client, it is what is in your heart and your intention that matters more than a certificate, and my own experience as a client in certain situations has proven this to be true! However, there are some things I believe need specialist foundational knowledge to build upon, and the path I am being called to explore to expand my healing work over the coming years requires that. Focusing on your self-care offers the opportunity for me to do something I love, it makes me happy to know I am making a difference to others, and enables me to save money to finance supportive healthcare, self-development opportunities and healing, which ultimately helps me be the best I can be to be of service to others.
Thank you to everyone who attends my 'Journey to the Heart' sound baths or book private sessions with me. My vision remains helping others to heal from past wounds, which also supports healing for the collective. I am hopeful and excited for opportunities ahead to aim for and could not do this without you!
We don't always need to understand those inner voices and feelings.
Trust your path and inner compass, as scary as it may feel at times. If I can do it, so can you.
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Love and Light