Biological Dentistry
Metal Free Dentistry
Choosing a Dentist
Oral Hygeine
Root canals
TMJ issues
Children's dentistry
Mouth/body connection
Alternative Therapies
Health Optimisation
Did you know that your oral health can impact on your physical and mental health? Neither did I until 2015, when I experienced debilitating dental issues.
I have gained insight into the tooth/body connection, oral hygiene, nutrition, lifestyle, detoxification and the importance of finding a skilled and knowledgeable dentist, you feel you can trust and work with as a team.
I am sharing my personal ongoing story to help raise awareness and give hope to others.
It is time for change.
Help! My Teeth are Killing Me!
Convinced my dental issues are contributing to my chronic illness of 13 years, I have spent 8 years travelling all over the UK trying to find a biological dentist to help me, as mainstream dentistry refused to accept there was a problem. It has been an expensive, challenging, overwhelming and traumatic experience, where I have felt unheard, unseen and disbelieved.
In 2021, Dr Seb Lomas crossed my path, and in 2022 we began working together to hopefully resolve the mysteries in my mouth and body. I will be forever grateful to him for his support in what have been very dark times, especially since summer 2021.
My experience of meeting numerous dentists has been a roller coaster ride of emotions and massive learning, leaving me shocked and disillusioned. The findings, conflicting advice, important issues missed and quotes ranging from £999 to £34,000.
In summer 2021 I finally had surgery, you can follow my journey at that time on my You Tube channel and instagram page. I was unable to share detailed information while the 2 year General Dental Council investigation was underway. This concluded in October 2023, allegations proven and the dentist struck off, being described to me as 'deplorable' by the General Dental Council Lawyer. I came to learn my dental journey was far from over.
I discovered no lawyer or Barrister will take on a dental claim on a No Win No Fee Basis, if the dentist does not have Indemnity Insurance, which mine did not. The General Dental Council as the dental sector Regulator, have no power to enforce a dentist to reimburse a patient, even when proven they were at fault. The system does not protect UK patients.
You can sign my petition here to support my call for the General Dental Council to monitor all dentists Indemnity Insurance status, to ensure the protection of patients.
I have seen first hand how the quality of examinations, knowledge and treatment plans varies, even within the holistic dentistry sector. The 'Holistic' brand does not guarantee quality dental care. Do your research prior to having any treatment, and do not rely totally on a website and reviews.
I decided to share my story on a podcast (this will be out Spring 2024), and also on You Tube and social media channels, to help raise awareness and give encouragement to others who may also be struggling.
There are no words to express the importance of this treatment for me. My aim was for my mouth to be metal, infection and toxin free, to give me a solid foundation to build upon in my quest for wellness, yet in March 2024 I am still not metal, infection, toxin or pain free.
Since I began the podcast project, I have spoken to people who had to re-mortgage their homes, taken out big loans and multiple credit cards to pay for their dental work. For some it has cost them their job and even their home and marriage. They may have had their dental issues resolved, but now face a lifetime of debt, which in itself causes stress, which impacts negatively on your health.
I have no 'go to' money pot after dedicating 17 years working voluntarily, setting up and running two not for profit organisations, living as a one income family, £10,000 in debt from dental surgery in 2021 with the outcome of a Dental Investigation in October 2023 erasing the Registrant from the Register, an outcome that does nothing to support me.
I will shortly be setting up a new Go Fund Me to support future dental work, diagnostics and therapies. The link will be posted here. In supporting me, you support raising awareness of non-toxic dentistry and a new future for UK dentistry, which is long overdue.
My vision since 2018 has been to establish a not-for-profit biological dental clinic with supporting therapies, as I believe everyone deserves this standard of dentistry and support to wellness, delivered to them from the heart without financial agendas, with no exclusions based on wealth.
You can subscribe to my You Tube Channel to follow my progress in real time.
Ways you can support me to my journey from chronic illness to wellness, starting with my dental treatment and detoxification.
Donations, no matter how small, every penny counts!
Share link of this web page and social media platforms with your family, friends, work colleagues
Share my story with your dentist, GP, consultant. It may help others who present with unexplainable chronic symptoms.
I hope by following my story, it will give insight, inspiration and encouragement to others who live with chronic illness to never give up, and for those with healthy teeth, to ensure they remain so, and avoid invasive dental work in the future. Thank you.
More about me and my background. Click HERE.
Acknowledgements and heartfelt thanks to the following
individuals and companies who have supported me on my continuing
health recovery journey so far.
Click on the company name to find out more.
Chuckling Goat (Kefir and prebiotics)
Core Med Science (Supplements)
Crowded Productions (Podcast production)
Dr Kontos (Testing kits)
Dr Seb Lomas (Biological Dentist)
Dr Peter Chan (Principal Venture Healthcare Service)
Exhale Coffee (chemical-free, organic ground coffee)
Feldenkrais Access (Online course)
Hirsch (Organic Supplements)
Huel (Plant based meal replacement drinks)
Kaqun (Drinking Water & Herbal Fermentation drops)
Medical Thermal Imaging (Thermography scans)
Melisa (Metal Allergy Testing)
MitoQ (Supplements)
Patchworks (Supplement Patches)
Pure Health (Supplements)
Robusta Health (Enema coffee)
PSO-RITE (Exercise equipment)
StressNoMore (Enema Kit)
Vitalorganico (Supplements)
Yoga Nutrition (supplements)