Mission Impossible?

I continue on my mission to find solutions for:
Acid Reflux
Anxiety Burnout Dental detox - root canals, mercury toxins Dental chronic infections Fibromyalgia
Gut health Myofascial dysfunction Nutrition Trauma
Spinal I began my search for psychological help around unhealthy addictive eating patterns 30 years ago. I did not fit into any classified box in order to get the support I felt I needed, and actually experienced health professionals laugh, when I explained how this was negatively impacting my life. I did not find it amusing and wanted help, to prevent future illness. I am still trying to find that support 30 years on. In December 2018 with the support of my family and two good friends, I managed to finally break the cycle of an addictive eating habit. This clarified to me how important mindset and support is, when you try to make challenging changes.
For the last 7 years I have attended weekly chiropractic appointments, massage therapies etc etc in an attempt to manage my fibromyalgia pain. This was hard to sustain as a one income family.
I am sure many with complex unexplainable symptoms will relate to the relentless (and expensive) search of trying different therapies, eating plans, medical appointments that end up inconclusive, a medical file that resembles a tower block, ultimately left feeling stuck and thinking "They are right, this is how life is always going to be, and I will never be well." When we are told something enough times, we believe it. I refuse to accept my condition cannot improve. There have been times over the last few years when I have been 80% pain free, so I know it can be done! Do not allow your label to become your identity.
This summer the anxiety attacks I experienced have given me a new perspective on life, and for now my focus had to be turned onto my own health. When I reflect on the past, I realise that in the darkest of times we learn so much, and often this realisation appears in the future and it eventually all makes sense. That mindset certainly helps me now when I hit blocks, instead of frustration, I now think there will be a reason for it, breathe and let it go. Over these last 6 months I have learned a lot about our health ... conditions, blood tests, mental health, medications, holistic dentistry and the connection of our oral health and physical and mental health, not to mention the importance of family, friendship and community, and who the true people are in my life.
When your physical and mental health are compromised, it is very difficult to be able to read and understand information that feels alien to you. It can add to your feeling of overwhelm, navigating a sea of often contradictory online information. It can be hard to focus on anything, or find energy, when you are living in pain, which makes focusing on wellness even more challenging. This is why professional support is so important. It is not because people are lazy, or don't want to make positive changes, they just need someone to walk alongside them in those early days, until they are strong enough to walk alone, now having the knowledge they needed to take those steps and finally move forward.
Then there are the financial restraints so many of us have, as we continue our search for new therapies to try, products and services, but simply can no longer afford to experiment when our money pot has run dry. I have my own theories on what could help people with complex pain conditions, and strongly believe there is no one thing cures all. I believe in a multi therapy approach, all working alongside one another. One day I hope to be in a position to manifest this to help give hope to others, but for now my project has to be me, as I need to evidence this can work. I am really missing my shamanic drum healing, hands on healing and cacao ceremony work, but I know that this self care time is much needed, and I will return wiser and stronger to help others.
I have commenced sessions to tackle my dental detox, and travel from one end of the UK to the other for this. It takes great commitment and funding to do this, with each trip costing around half our monthly income and I am only half way through, with no doubt a future of implants to consider. This is something I desperately need to find sponsorship for, where I can not only resolve my personal dental issues, but also help raise awareness on the importance of oral health, and the reasons why I travel so far for the work to be undertaken.
I am currently seeking people to support me on this journey. If you would like to be a part of my health recovery, either financially, offering a health related service or product, please email me on tamaya@btinternet.com , it may be just the service/therapy I am searching for!
I have a new page on my website 'Supporters'. This is a page to share my thanks to any person or company who supports me on this journey, as long as it may take! Never lose hope, never give up ... there is always a way!