May 2021
Welcome to the May edition of the Tamaya newsletter.
Find Me a Dentist Podcast
You can read about the project on dentistry webpage
My Go Fund Me fundraising platform is now live ‘Help! My teeth are killing me’, to raise funds for essential dental work and detox protocols, my first step to recovery from chronic illness.
Healing Offerings
I am offering 20 minute online shamanic drum healing sessions or distance healing, in return for a minimum donation of £20. All money raised will be deposited into my Dental Fundraising Account. (This limited time offer has now ended, please contact me for more information if you wish to book an appointment)
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver is a natural antibacterial/antiseptic used topically and internally around the world for humans and animals. UK Colloidal Silver has a worldwide reputation for providing the best quality True Amber Colloidal Silver. The product is tested at Plymouth University to ensure a consistent quality. “We can proudly state we produce the best True Amber Colloidal Silver anywhere!” Order online and quote Code JM1 to receive 10% off your order
Many people have contacted me over recent weeks to say they are emotionally struggling, finding it hard to stay positive after so many months of digging deep to stay strong. It has certainly been a roller coaster of emotions since 2020 began. This was never going to be easy, so don’t expect too much of yourself. Reach out and connect with likeminded people, gaining strength and support from one another, as you continue to navigate these turbulent times. The calmer waters will eventually flow, and I feel sure a kinder more compassionate world will emerge.
This leads me to the final section of this newsletter "This is my message to you".
My music offering for May:
Love and Light